Example Policies

All the examples on this page are written for the following schema:

const typeDefs: string = `
type Query {
Post(id: ID): Post
topPosts(limit: Int): [Post]

type Mutation {
idToken: String
): AuthenticationResponse

type User {
id: String
email: String
givenName: String
name: String
password: String

type Post {
id: ID
title: String
views: Int
author: User

type AuthenticationResponse {
token: String
user: User

Grant access to a Type

To allow anonymous users to view Posts we first need to allow them to send a Query to Post (this is distinct from a Mutation). And then we need to allow the fields on Post, in this case all of them.

const policy: Policy = {
id: "Allow anonymous access to Post",
resources: [
actions: ["query"],
effect: PolicyEffect.Allow,
roles: ["anonymous user"],

Grant access to a single field on a Type

Sometimes you only want to allow access to certain fields, in this case title. *This isn’t always the best idea, see the next example for blocking access.

const policy: Policy = {
id: "Allow anonymous access to Post Title",
resources: [
actions: ["query"],
effect: PolicyEffect.Allow,
roles: ["anonymous user"],

Grant access to a Type, except for a specific field

The previous example shows how to allow just a specific type, but it doesn’t block access. You could add another policy that allowed access to Post::* and then the role would be able to see everything not just Post::title.

If you want to stop a role from accessing a field you need to explicity deny it. Once a field or type has been explicitly denied, no other policy can allow it.

const policy: Policy = {
id: "Deny anonymous access to Post Title",
resources: [
actions: ["query"],
effect: PolicyEffect.Deny,
roles: ["anonymous user"],