Bunjil Class

import { Bunjil } from 'bunjil';


const bunjil: Bunjil = new Bunjil(options);

Create a new instance by passing an options object detailed below.


Property Type Description
debug boolean true in your dev environment, but never in production
server.port number The port to bind on. (Technically optional to support unit/integration tests, but you need it in normal use).
Default: false
boolean undefined true if you want to enable tracing on the underlying apollo-server
Default: false
boolean undefined true if you want to enable tracing on the underlying apollo-server.
server.disableIntrospection boolean Disable intropsection queries. This is useful in production to hide your public graphql schema.
server.disableBunjilCache boolean Set to true to disable Bunjil’s cache, useful when cacheControl is true, as it lets you use Apollo Engine’s caching.
_server.useApolloCache boolean Enable to print information regarding the cacheability for use with Apollo Engine.
_server.useApolloTracing boolean Enable to print tracing data for use with Apollo Engine.
endpoints Preceding slash required.
endpoints.graphQL string Typically /graphql, this is the location where the GraphQL api is served from.
endpoints.graphQL subscriptions Typically /graphql, this is the location where the GraphQL subscriptions api is served from.
endpoints.graphQL playground Typically /graphql, this is the location where the GraphQL playground is served from.
policies Array of Policy An array of Policy documents.
See Policy Reference
hooks.authentication function A Koa middleware function that populates ctx.user with the authenticated user.
See Authentication
hooks.authorization function A hook to allow custom authorization logic.
This overrides the policy engine and is not reccomended unless you require a different authorization method.
See Authorization
playgroundOptions See Playground

addSchema({ schemas: [ schema ] })

Property Type Description
schemas Array An array of GraphQL schemas.

addPrismaSchema({ typeDefs, prisma, contextKey })

Bunjil was designed to wrap generated Prisma bindings, and automatically add a forwardTo around the resolver. This means you can use your Prisma backend, with Bunjil’s authorization infront of it.

Property Type Description
typeDefs GraphQL typeDefs The typeDefs generated by the prisma bindings.
prisma Prisma The prisma object generated by the prisma bindings.
contextKey string The key to use when adding this to the GraphQl resolver context, typically database or _db_.


After you have added your schemas, start your server by awaiting as follows:

await bunjil.start();

The promise will resolve once the server has started.

addContext(key: string, value: any)

With this, you can add anything else to your GraphQL resolver’s context at runtime.


Property Type Description
~.enabled boolean
~.endpoint string
~.subscriptionsEndpoint string