Policy Reference

A Policy is a JSON object describing a single authorization case. Multiple policies are used together to form a functional authorization engine.

More information on how to use Policies, and some example policies to get you started.

Policies are added at runtime and at this stage cannot be altered without restarting the server. The expectation is that policies would be stored in version control next to your server, and when you update the policies, you will redeploy your server.

Policies with explicit denies (any policy that has deny as the effect) superseed any other policy. Therefore a policy with deny is a hard stop for access, no other policy can ever grant access to that role.


Every policy needs a unique ID. This is intended for tracing back the results of an authorization event to the policy that decided the outcome.

Property Type Description
id string A unique string describing this policy.
effect PolicyEffect or string One of PolicyEffect.Allow or PolicyEffect.Deny or just a string of Allow or Deny.
denyType? string Returned to the client with PolicyEffect.Deny, for example mfa-required.
actions Array of string One or more of query, mutation, subscription.
resources Array of string See resources
roles Array of string An array of roles, see roles
conditions Array of PolicyCondition See conditions


A resource is a string representation of the current resolver from the root of the GraphQL schema.

The top level type is seperated by two colons :: and all subsequent types are seperated by one
colon :.

If you take the following schema:

type User {
id: ID
name: String
email: String
password: String
roles: [String]
posts(limit: Int): [Post]

type Post {
id: ID
title: String
views: Int
author: User

type Query {
author(id: ID): User
topPosts(limit: Int): [Post]

And a query of:

query topPosts {
topPosts(limit: 10) {
author {

Then the following resources would be checked for policies:


For these resources to be accessible you would need to specify all fields in your resource array for a policy. Or, you can use a wildcard.


Instead of entering every field for your resources, you can wildcard the entire type. This saves you needing to update your policies when you add a new field.

So for above, we could intead use the following resources: Query::*, Post::*, Author::*.

Itโ€™s reccomneded you keep in mind explicit deny polices when using wildcards. You can have two policies one that grants access to an entire type, and another that explicity denys a specific field, to allow a role access to all but a specific field on that type.


A role is a string defined on context.user.roles which is populated by your authentication function. The default role for a user is anonymous.

You can also use wildcards with roles, but they need to be specified as a role in the array. For example roles: ["*"] is a wildcard for all roles. And roles: ["admin-*"] is a wildcard for all roles starting with admin-.


Conditions let you fine tune your policy. For example you may only apply a policy to users of a certain IP range, or a time since their session started.


Property Type Description
field string A dot path to the key of the context object to compare, eg context.request.ip.
Array of number or
Array of string
An array of expected values
Array of string A dot path to the context object
operator PolicyOperator One of match, notMatch, lessThan, greaterThan

You must pass either expected or expectedOnContext if you are adding a condition to a policy.

The context object

Both field and expectedOnContext refer to a context object that is passed by Bunjil on every authorization check.

The context object is constructed as follows:

const context: any = {
// We destructure(expand) the GraphQL resolver `context` object

// If no user was added during authentication (for example if auth failed)
// then a default anonymous user is added with an id of `null` and a role
// of `anonymous user`
user: {
id: 'string',
roles: ["an array", "of strings", "authenticated user"]

// We also add the GraphQL resolver `root` object

// We also add the GraphQL request `args` object

You can use expectedOnContext to compare against anything else on the context object.

Evaluation Process

If there are multiple conditions they are evaluated with a boolean AND. Which is to say all conditions must be true for the policy to evaluate to true.

If there are multiple expectedValues or expectedValuesOnContext on a condition, they are evaluated with a boolean OR. Which is to say, if any of the values match, then the condition outcome is true.

Expected Values

If you are passing an array of expected values, it must be an array of strings, or an array of numbers. It cannot be a mix.

If you pass numbers then operator must be either a numeric operator PolicyOperator.lessThan PolicyOperator.greaterThan. If your value is a number passed as a string, itโ€™s coerced into a number.

If you pass string then operator must be either a string operator PolicyOperator.match PolicyOperator.notMatch.

This must be a dot path to another value on the context object to compare the field with.